Welcome to the 88x31 archive on! This site contains 29257 unique* 88x31 buttons that I scraped from the GeoCities archives compiled by the incredible ARCHIVE TEAM before GeoCities' demise in late 2009.

There is also a background page with stats and interesting links!

Update: Click here for the zipped dataset

This is an accurate representation of 90s to 00s web culture. The internet back then was as cringy as it is today. Therefore, you may encounter various buttons that could be considered offensive.

zootycoonmania_tycoonbutton zootycoonmania_warehouse zootycoonmania_zkstation zootycoonmania_zooadmin zootycoonmania_zt-upark zootycoonmania_ztclink zootycoonmania_ztor zootycoonmania_ztsafari zpiusa_member zrantheus_Images_521 zrionml_assets_Banner-88-312 ztrem_SearchSight1b ztrem_tsf-88-vote-red ztseaworld_site_ztubanner zube_dude_minibanner zube_dude_motion2 zube_dude_skateuk zuzannylancaster_yami3 zwei_blackfire_links_DHSbutton1 zwei_blackfire_links_DHSbutton2 zwei_blackfire_links_dodbutton zz6a_webtv_webtv2_lycos zzippir_logo3 zzzsleeplesszzz_doesntknow zzzsleeplesszzz_trent24